Problem of Facial Feminization Surgery of the Patients white race performed in the countries of yelow race
What is the difference between these faces?
Below male face brightened with make-up seems to be feminine.
Face with make up Face with out make up
This proves that this is a very subtle difference between masculine and feminine face. You only need a small and minor detail in the eyes and mouth and suddenly completely and radically changes as gender person.
Surgeons in Thailand do not see the difference. For them, enough to light skin complexion and face already seems to them as a woman. Thais are squeamishness at the point of skin brightness and clear skin perceive as a synonym for feminine beauty. Therefore, every person TS white race can safely live in Thailand and to be discerned as a woman, while at her county she is recognized as a male and it is rejected.
Tajskie nosy sa wklesle. Tajskie kobiety uwazaja nosy europejskie za piekne. Pragna miec wypukle lub proste nosy. To co jest szpetne w Europie uchodzi za piekne w Tajlandii. Dlatego w Tajlandii az roi sie od klinik oferujacych powiekszanie nosa w rozmainy sposob. Jesli wiec ktos mysli o feminizacji nosa w Tajlanii musi sie liczyc z porazka. Tajscy lekarze uwazaja duze nosy za kobiece.